Giving Opportunities

Personal checks payable to Temple Beth Shalom are a popular way to contribute. Use the memo line of your check to designate your gift for a specific fund, initiative, event or luncheon.
Mail your check to:
Temple Beth Shalom
208 Madrona St.
Chula Vista, Ca. 91910
Make a gift to Temple Beth Shalom using a debit or credit card and save or print out a receipt of your gift. Please keep in mind that your donations are tax deductible! Please help US to help others!
Temple Beth Shalom thanks you for your payment/donation, which helps us to continue providing services, sharing our wonderful Jewish community, as well as keeping our doors open. Together, we will continue to work toward our mission. We are most grateful for your support. When you select the ‘Donate’ button, you will be taken to a page where you can enter your credit card information and other details about your donation. Thank you!
Utilize Goodsearch: is the search engine with a unique social mission. It’s powered by Yahoo!, so you get the same great search results, but each time you do a search, GoodSearch makes a donation to your cause! We donate 50% of advertising revenue to the nonprofits and schools selected by our users. is the new online marketplace that donates a percentage of your online purchase to the charity or school of your choice. You can choose from hundreds of popular online merchants and the experience of shopping through GoodShop is the same as going to the retailer directly.
Purchases from
We are now a participating member of Associates program. When you utilize the link from our site to go to, TBS will recieve a referral percentage of all the purchases. This does not add any additional cost to your purchases and is a free and easy way to contribute to Temple Beth Sholom. Please use the following link. Contribute to TBS when purchasing from or use the link on the link page.
Oneg and Kiddush Sponsorship:
Are you looking for a special way to celebrate a special event? Do you need a special way to honor a relative or friend’s birthday or anniversary? Would you like to remember a loved one’s Yahrzeit? We invite you to sponsor an Oneg Shabbat after our Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat services or a Kiddush after our Shabbat morning services.
Food Drive:
We are beginning a canned food drive for any non-perishable food items. This will be an ongoing project to keep a stocked pantry for families in need. Drop off your food items at the Temple office at any time. If it is closed, just leave it outside the office door with a note and it will be taken care of. Thank you for your support of our families.
General Needs for the Temple:
Temple Beth Sholom is presently in need of the following items:
- Student size chairs for our classrooms: 30 in various sizes $24.00/chair
- Enclosed bulletin board –1 @ $96.25
- Mobile partitions 5@ $170.00 each
- Table truck 1 @ $114.00
- Sprinkler system approx. $4500.00
- Plumbing repairs for Rabbi’s home: to be determined
If you would like to make a donation to help in the purchase of any of the above items your help would be greatly appreciated. Please be sure to specify how you would like your money to be used.